
Pass builders

NewPMPassBuilder(; verify_each=false, debug_logging=false, pipeline_tuning_kwargs...)

Create a new pass builder. The pass builder is the main object used to construct and run pass pipelines. The verify_each keyword argument enables module verification after each pass, while debug_logging can be used to enable more output. Pass builder objects needs to be disposed after use.

Several other keyword arguments can be used to tune the pipeline. This only has an effect when using one of LLVM's default pipelines, like default<O3>:

  • loop_interleaving::Bool=false: Enable loop interleaving.
  • loop_vectorization::Bool=false: Enable loop vectorization.
  • slp_vectorization::Bool=false: Enable SLP vectorization.
  • loop_unrolling::Bool=false: Enable loop unrolling.
  • forget_all_scev_in_loop_unroll::Bool=false: Forget all SCEV information in loop unrolling.
  • licm_mssa_opt_cap::Int=0: LICM MSSA optimization cap.
  • licm_mssa_no_acc_for_promotion_cap::Int=0: LICM MSSA no access for promotion cap.
  • call_graph_profile::Bool=false: Enable call graph profiling.
  • merge_functions::Bool=false: Enable function merging.

After a pass builder is constructed, custom passes can be registered with register!, passes or nested pass managers can be added with add!, and finally the passes can be run with run!:

@dispose pb = NewPMPassBuilder(verify_each=true) begin
    register!(pb, SomeCustomPass())
    add!(pb, SomeModulePass())
    add!(pb, NewPMFunctionPassManager()) do fpm
        add!(fpm, SomeFunctionPass())
    run!(pb, mod, tm)

For quickly running a simple pass or pipeline, a shorthand run! method is provided that obviates the construction of a NewPMPassBuilder:

run!("some-pass", mod, tm; verify_each=true)

See also: register!, add!, run!

run!(pb::NewPMPassBuilder, mod::Module, [tm::TargetMachine])
run!(pipeline::String, mod::Module, [tm::TargetMachine])

Run passes on a module. The passes are specified by a pass builder or a string that represents a pass pipeline. The target machine is used to optimize the passes.


Pass managers

NewPMLoopPassManager(; use_memory_ssa=false)

Create a new pass manager of the specified type. These objects can be used to construct pass pipelines, by add!ing passes to them, and finally add!ing them to a parent pass manager or pass builder.

Creating a pass manager and adding it to a parent manager or builder can be shortened using a single add!:

add!(parent, NewPMModulePassManager()) do mpm
    add!(mpm, SomeModulePass())

See also: add!, NewPMPassBuilder

add!(pm::AbstractPassManager, pass)

Adds a pass or pipeline to a pass builder or pass manager.

The pass or pipeline should be a string or string-convertible object known by LLVM. These can be constructed by using pass constructors, e.g., InternalizePass(), or by manually specifying names like default<O3>.

When using custom passes, remember that they need to be registered with the pass builder before they can be used.

See also: register!


Alias analyses

Custom passes

NewPMModulePass(name, callback)
NewPMFunctionPass(name, callback)

Create a new custom pass. The name is a string that will be used to identify the pass in the pass manager. The callback is a function that will be called when the pass is run. The function should take a single argument, the module or function to be processed, and return a boolean indicating whether the pass made any changes.

Before using a custom pass, it must be registered with a pass builder using register!.

See also: register!


IR cloning

clone_into!(new::LLVM.Function, old::LLVM.Function; [suffix::String],

Clone the contents of a function old into a new function new. The value_map dictionary can be used to remap values from the old function to the new function, while suffix appends a suffix to all values cloned. The type_mapper and materializer functions can be used to respectively map types and materialize values on demand.

The changes argument determines how this function behaves; refer to the LLVM documentation of CloneFunctionInto for more details.

clone(f::Function; [value_map::Dict{Value,Value}])

Simpler version of clone_into! that clones a function f into a new function, optionally mapping values according to the value_map dictionary.

clone(bb::BasicBlock]; dest=parent(bb), [suffix::String], [value_map::Dict{Value,Value}])

Clone a basic block bb by copying all instructions. The new block is inserted at the end of the parent function; this can be altered by setting dest to a different function, or to nothing to create a detached block. The suffix is appended to the name of the cloned basic block.


This function only remaps values that are defined in the cloned basic block. Values defined outside the basic block (e.g. function arguments) are not remapped by default. This means that the cloned basic block can generally only be used within the same function that it was cloned from, unless you manually remap other values. This can be done passing a value_map dictionary.
