
Metadata is a way to attach additional information to various entities in LLVM IR. Various metadata object types exist, each prefixed with MD, and with a variety of APIs to query and manipulate them. The abstract supertype of all metadata objects is Metadata.

Metadata strings can be constructed with the MDString constructor, and converted back to Julia strings with a convert call:

julia> md = MDString("hello")

julia> convert(String, md)

Then there are metadata nodes, which can have other metadata as operands. For example, a tuple of metadata nodes can be created with the following MDNode constructor:

julia> md = MDNode([MDString("hello"), MDString("world")])
<0x6000022c7f20> = !{!"hello", !"world"}

These operands can be extracted again using the operands function:

julia> operands(md)
2-element Vector{MDString}:

Converting between Metadata and Value

It happens often that you want to put values in metadata, or use metadata with APIs that expect a value. In LLVM.jl, this is possible by using the Value and Metadata constructors with respectively Metadata and Value inputs, automatically wrapping them in the correct type:

julia> val = ConstantInt(42);

julia> md = Metadata(val)
i64 42

julia> typeof(md)
julia> md = MDString("test");

julia> val = Value(md)

julia> typeof(val)

Inspecting and attaching

Any global value and instruction can have metadata attached to it. In LLVM.jl, it's possible to inspect and mutate that metadata using the metadata function:

julia> inst
%2 = add i64 %1, %0

julia> isempty(metadata(inst))

julia> metadata(inst)["dbg"] = MDNode([MDString("hello")])
<0x5ff68c3f2f28> = !{!"hello"}

julia> inst
%2 = add i64 %1, %0, !dbg !0

Metadata can also be attached to a module, in which case it needs to be grouped in a named metadata node (which can only contain other metadata nodes, and not e.g. strings directly). With LLVM's C API, module-level named metadata is append-only, which is done using the push! function:

julia> md = metadata(mod);

julia> isempty(md)

julia> push!(md["hello"], MDNode([MDString("world")]));

julia> md
ModuleMetadataIterator for module :
  !hello = !{<0x60000394d3f8> = !{!"world"}}

Debug information

When generating IR, it is possible to add debug information metadata to the generated code. This information can be used by debuggers to provide a better debugging experience.


LLVM.jl currently does not offer extensive wrappers for generating debug info, and is mostly focussed on the ability to inspect or copy existing information.

LLVM represents debug information as a variety of DI-prefixed structures, which are subtypes of the above metadata types. In LLVM.jl, various functions are provided to inspect properties of these structures:

  • DILocation: line, column, scope, inlined_at
  • DIVariable: file, scope, line
  • DIScope: file, name
  • DIFile: directory, filename, source
  • DIType: name, sizeof, offset, line, flags
  • DISubProgram: line (and methods inherited from DIScope)

To query the debug info attached to an instruction, one queries the !dbg metadata using metadata(inst)["dbg"].

julia> inst
%2 = add i64 %1, %0, !dbg !9

julia> dbg = metadata(inst)["dbg"]
!DILocation(line: 87, scope: <0x6000056c5dd0>) = !DILocation(line: 87, scope: <0x6000056c5dd0>)

julia> line(dbg)

julia> file(scope(dbg))
<0x6000000beb80> = !DIFile(filename: "int.jl", directory: ".")

Debug info can also be attached to functions, which can be queried and modified using respectively subprogram and subprogram!:

julia> sp = subprogram(add)
<0x600003edfad0> = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "+", linkageName: "julia_+", scope: null, file: <0x600003ba6fe0>, line: 87, type: <0x600003494c90>, scopeLine: 87, spFlags: DISPFlagDefinition | DISPFlagOptimized, unit: <0x6000021d8428>, retainedNodes: <0x6000010f09d0>)